Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Soccer Fans!

Well, I'm off with my wife to the other side of Italy for a few days to check out the heel of the boot. We hope soccer fans everywhere have a great Thanksgiving and we'll be back up online this weekend.

In the meantime, check out my new article at Soccer Times which gets more in depth on a few American players (pictured here) which readers have said they'd like to know more about. To find out who they are, check the link above.

Photo by Rodrigo Erades


Ryan said...

Well, it's either Kljestan or Wolff with Donovan

Chris Courtney said...

Its Bologna's Giuseppe Nazzani and Napoli's Vincenzo Bernardo. Check the article out here:

pete said...

Chris, enjoyed the article, thanks

Lawrence said...

Tab Ramos Ricciardi had a italian parent. Marcelo Balboa is most likely of italian decent, as a lot of Argentines are.

What about Brandon Manzonelli? I know he was trying to stay at Villareal by obtaining an Italian passport.